Posted tagged ‘Cocoa’

RubyCocoa on iPhone

March 7, 2008

I’m currently downloading (‘as we speak’–it’s 2.1 GIG) the iPhone SDK, after recently playing around with developing toy apps last night in RubyCocoa.

The idea is irresistable (if not slightly implausible) that it just might be possible to build iPhone apps with RubyCocoa. A quick Google search suggests that others are asking the same question, but no one seems to have an answer. But something on Apple’s site suggests that this might be possible:

The applications you create with Ruby and Python are packaged exactly like native Mac OS X applications. Your end-users will not be able to tell the difference. What’s more, Apple is committed to binary compatibility between releases of Mac OS X. This means you will no longer need to embed the runtime and language interpreter in your application.

So they’re saying that (for non-iPhone RubyCocoa development, at least) you don’t *need* to embed the (RubyCocoa) runtime and language interpreter in your application. This implies that it is possible to embed the runtime for RubyCocoa, and if it’s possible to do on a Mac, why not on an iPhone?

Does anyone know any reason that this would or would not be possible?